St. George's with St. Mark's and St. Francis

Parish Priest

   Rev. Fr. John Rohim


Rev. Catherine Edwards Rev. George Richards
Vestry Members

Priest's Warden:      Mr. Alston Isaac, CM

   Treasurer:        Mr. Lesroy Grant

People's Warden:    Bertrand Phillip

Secretary:       Ms.Lorraine Davis

Ms. Carey Thompson Mr. Austin Smith
Ms. Cleo Hampson Ms. Loretta Ireland
Mr. Julius Gore
Lay Ministers & Eucharist Ministers
Mr. Alston Isaac. CM Mr. Austin Smith
Mr. Mark Francis Mr. Julius Gore
Mr. Walter Berridge
Mr. James Herbert


Sunday Services

St. George's: 8:30AM

St. Mark's: 6:30AM

St. Francis: 6:30AM

Weekly Bulletin

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